Monday, November 19, 2012

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon 101



Today in Kat's Gaming World:

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon 101:

In today's talk:
We're talking about Nintendo's Super Mario's Player 2 character get's his second break over eleven years after the GameCube's. That's right, I am talking about Mario's Twin brother (Or so called little brother), Luigi! After eleven years prior to the Second game, Ya' know the game where Luigi goes to save Mario from Bowser, afterwards Bowser ends up being de-shelled and runs away in his boxers... Anyhow!

Luigi made his first 3D modeling game appearance (Other than being a Hidden Character in both Smash Bros. plus the recent Super Smash Bros. Brawl) in Luigi's Mansion. Here's the short bio about Luigi's Mansion!

Luigi's Mansion:
Warning: Spoiler's! Read with Cation 

The game starts when Luigi arrives at a large, dark mansion which is set in the outskirts of a forest. The mansion is haunted by various ghosts, including Boos, and it is being investigated by Professor E. Gadd, who lives in a small workshop next to the mansion. It consists of five floors, including a basement and a roof. The player starts out in a foyer, where he or she can enter rooms in the various floors.
Luigi's Mansion begins with Luigi having won a mansion in a contest. Despite not having entered any contest, he promptly told Mario about the mansion and the two agreed to meet up outside it that evening. Upon finally arriving at his new mansion, which looks much more sinister than the supplied photo, Mario is nowhere to be found. Luigi proceeds inside the mansion and is soon assaulted by a ghost, only to be saved by a little old man wielding a vacuum cleaner. The old man is however unable to reel the ghost in, and is soon overpowered. After being helped to his feet by Luigi, the old man introduces himself as Professor Elvin Gadd.

The two retreat from the mansion as more ghosts appear.

In E. Gadd's nearby workshop, he mentions how Luigi's newly won mansion is obviously the work of something not of this world, since it only appeared a few nights ago. The mansion itself was built by King Boo, who freed the caught ghosts and built it to shelter them. They sent Luigi the supplied photo to use it as a trap. Gadd also tells Luigi that he saw someone wearing a red cap go into the mansion some time ago, and has not been seen since. Upon learning that the red capped man (Mario) was Luigi's brother, E. Gadd allows Luigi to take over his duties of ghost-catching and entrusts him with his vacuum cleaner; the "Poltergust 3000".

After numerous confrontations, Luigi faces off against King Boo in his painting's realm that resembles the roof of the mansion. King Boo revives and possesses Bowser - who is eventually beaten down and sucked into the Poltergust 3000. Luigi returns to Gadd with Mario, who has been sealed within a portrait by King Boo, and successfully breaks the seal to save his brother. The end also sees the haunted mansion disappear. Luigi builds a normal house on the site using the money he earned. The size of the house depends on how much money the player was able to obtain before the end of the game.

May have not been a short bio as I thought, but eh...

Now its time to talk about The new game!

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon:
 Luigi is back on a mission to remove a bunch of stubborn ghosts from some spooky mansions. Armed with his trusty Poltergust ghost-sucking vacuum cleaner, Mario's brother takes center stage to capture these pesky phantoms. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon gives players multiple mansions to explore, a variety of puzzles to solve and new ghosts to capture. Armed with the Poltergust 5000, a ghost-sucking, vacuum-like invention, Luigi must complete a number of missions assigned to him by Professor E. Gadd. 

 The gameplay of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is similar to its predecessor. The game focuses on the adventures of Luigi, who is sent by Professor E. Gadd, through Temptation to explore various rooms in Haunted Houses (at least three) and capture Ghost using the Poltergust 5000, a specialized Vacuum Cleaner , which can also be used to gather treasure hidden in various rooms. Clearing the rooms of ghosts award the player keys, which open access into deeper areas of the mansion. Shigeru Miyamoto stated that Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (at that time was called Luigi's Mansion 2) will be more puzzled-oriented than the original, and Toad will assist Luigi in accomplishing various goals. King Boo, who was the main antagonist in Luigi's Mansion, will also appear in the game, though no details of his role are currently known.

 To capture a ghost, Luigi must first stun it using his stroboscope. While the original game only required the player to simply shine the light upon the ghost, in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon the player instead charges the new stroboscope to release an intense burst of light that acts similar to a flashbang. When stunned, the ghost's Hit Points are exposed, allowing the player to vacuum and "wrestle" with the ghost to decrease its hit points until it is weak enough to be captured. Luigi can fight up to three ghosts simultaneously, but there is currently work being made in development to allow even more.

So here is the low down or 101 of Dark Moon:
1. There are over numerous mansions and rooms, including one Mansion in a snowy area to a Mansion in a graveyard, now I wonder if Bogmire will be a guest. Just kidding! Hes in a painting!
2. So far over four or five different ghosts, including the yellow ghost with telekinesis which appeared in the demon Of Luigi's Mansion 2.
3. You use three things to capture these little varmints! A) The Strobe light to make they're hearts appear. B) Use the 3DS's motion senses to bring their hit points down to 0. C) You can use the strobe light a second time to cause them to what seems to blind them, making them more vulnerable to having their Hit Points brought down to 0.
4. It is Unknown What will be King Boo's purpose in this new Game.
5. It would seem you will either have to have the Toad's guide you or you save them from these dastardly ghosts.

So there you have it! The low down on Nintendo's Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.
For more information about this game go to IGN and Wikipedia.

Luigi Mansion: Dark Moon is set to be released Q1 2013
Until then, Happy Hunting!


Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon © Nintendo